Google Testing File Encryption to Protect Drive Users

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It's hard to imagine that our data resides on the cloud without encryption.

You obviously have a limited imagination. Encryption isn't done for the very reasons mentioned, it's difficult, expensive, and makes indexing more difficult. Encrypted data also tends to take more space and slows things down. I can see why it's not encrypted, that's why I only store information I don't mind getting out to the public on the cloud or I encrypt it myself before storing it. The only people surprised by all of this are the people who don't know anything to begin with.

If you really want secure storage you secure it on YOUR end not after it's been transmitted and stored who knows how many times. Simple enough.
So indexing is good when you want to protect the data? *LOL*
So its hard to set up encryption using pw hashes as key? *LOL*
So it takes more space to have data encrypted? *LOL*

All it does is taking some more cpu cycles or better yet use dedicated encryption hw and it will even be transparent.

But sure spread disinformation trying to fool peeps its "bad" to encrypt their personal data so its easier to monitor.

Who is having the truly limited imagination? The one being a gov drone id'd say!
in my opinion you would be a fool to store anything online that you werent prepared to have someone look at. Nothing is untouchable these days
I remember a while back people swore that their files were encrypted on Dropbox.
This makes me angry that people believe such things. "Basic Retard Elimination Test" -> if you can log into to a web site with a basic web browser and view your files or share them with other people then its NOT ENCRYPTED.. no matter how its "stored"
^^ READ THIS, everyone seemed to believe their stuff is some how "MAGICALLY" encrypted until this came out for dropbox.
the cloud services are supposed to be alread encypted and tested, why they adoing it now, anyways using vpn tools ( to engage hackers and sneakers with good business.. ty

Encrypt it yourself first and then it's fine to store it in a datacentre. If they want to encrypt it a second time that's their business, but without the original key (and assuming your key isn't weak) there is no practical way to access the original file(s).

surely if NSA or PRISM was interested in you, encryption would not count for much (maybe a little naive there)

Encryption is encryption. It doesn't matter who wants access to the data, if they don't have the key they can't read it. Either they'll need to torture you to get it (not outside of the realm of possibility) or they'll need to crack it.

I was implying the cracking part, though torture seems more up their alley
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