ddpruitt :
Waze isn't worth $.02.
The location information is inaccurate (off by several miles in some cases), exiting a freeway makes a traffic jam, it promotes users that give inaccurate information ....
I stopped using Waze after 2 weeks because a blank map is more useful.
You must live out in the boonies. Here in the bay area, CA, Waze has been the most accurate (with a few exceptions) mapping application yet. I used to use google, but found that it's ETA, as well as traffic information was off. Waze on the other hand, has been I'd say 95% accurate. Speed trap? I've been correctly notified 85+% of the time (few times cop wasn't there, but better safe than sorry). Traffic? I hit the slow down exactly where Waze says it is. ETA? Accurate to within 1 or 2 minutes every time I use it.
Waze has been the most accurate tool I've come across yet, so you must live somewhere where NOBODY uses it or edits the map.