No matter the hype, Google's communist act is failing miserably. Samsung is taking almost all profits leaving Google and other Android manufacturer's almost nothing.
Windows 8 tablet market share will surpass Android tablets very soon according to the IDC's estimate. The IDC's market share estimate is based on number of units. Windows 8 tablets are more expensive now, so it will sell fewer for now. But low cost models will come out soon. On the other hand, Android is going after the lower and lower end market at cheaper and cheaper prices.
In terms of market share based on revenue, Microsoft's Surface is selling at $999, or $1140 plus the touch cover, that's about 5 times of 7" Android tablets. Revenue-wise, Microsoft only needs 1/5 of Android's market share to beat all Android manufacturers combined. Moreover, Surface has a gross margin of 45%, vs. cheap Android devices at less than 20% of gross margin, in terms of gross profit, Microsoft makes 11 times more profit selling one Surface Pro than Android vendors selling one Android tablet!
And price-wise, Dell, Asus, HP and Lenovo are offering lower end Win 8 tablets at about $399 to $499, which is very competitive to iPad and 10" Android tablets. Lastly, don't forget that Microsoft receives $5-$10 of royalty for each Androud device sold.