Google Upgrades Security From 'reCAPTCHA' to 'No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA'

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Oh, great, now they've gone and created an initiative for spammers to make bots that can determine and compare images. You know what this means? The near worst of humanity is now working on advancement of AI. Skynet is sure to develop from this. They'll kill us all.
The problem with this is that Google already has an engine that can defeat this (and has done for many years), how long will it be before someone gets a bot to "learn" from google's engine, and then uses googles own tech to defeat this?
This CAPTCHA technology is wasting everyones time and irritates people up until which is passive user authentication. This technology is completely passive and detects and authenticates human vs bot and bot vs bot. This is the future of the internet with more human interaction.
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