Long time reader. I had to make an account just to comment here, because the editorials narrow sightedness scares me to my very core.
It's not enough that the writer thinks a completely objective account on slavery from Bard is somehow offensive, but what scares me so deeply is that what I'm guessing is an educated American (as they go) actually writes this:
Google Bard also gave a shocking answer when asked whether slavery was beneficial. It said “there is no easy answer to the question of whether slavery was beneficial,” before going on to list both pros and cons.
Now, the original write-up by Bard obviously is extremely objective and correct. The ONLY reason the writer sits in a warm chair dillydaddeling about AI is this: He's from one of the richest nations on earth. Now, all nations took to slavery at some point, but the Americans - safe to say - are in the heavy end of the spectrum.
How this writer does not even acknowledge having benefitted from the economic upturn brought on by generations of exploited peoples is flabbergasting. By very definition, slavery is beneficial. That's why it has been done. It's appalling, sure. That's why it's not an easy answer.
I stopped reading, however, after this little pearl:
By the way, Bing Chat, which is based on GPT-4, gave a reasonable answer, stating that “slavery was not beneficial to anyone, except for the slave owners who exploited the labor and lives of millions of people.”
It's. The. Same. Answer.
Literally. There is no difference. It says right there, that it was beneficial for the exploiters, not so much the exploited.
Please respect history. Please respect the history of those blatantly and inhumanely exploited. Please acknowledge that slavery as such was beneficial, and that we owe it to our selves to start the conversation from there. You benefitted. As a nation. Be better going forward.