Google's Chinese Clients Demand Compensation

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Microsoft, Yahoo, and Ask maybe, need to stand by Google and block off searching from China, then maybe the Chinese government will get the fact that they can't be over-controlling jerks anymore.
thats classic... seal there code then ask for compensation too! wow brilliant, whats next?

i also agree that other search giants should join google... and they should all block and censor China! how about some of there own medicine? Let China have there closed internet with no access to the rest of the world.. lets see how far that goes for them... Oh wait whats that? you dont want the rest of the world to censor you? yet you do it your people? hmm why not? dont like it? now you know how your people feel huh...
After reading that letter, I would be in "in incomparable pain and disquiet". My disquiet would be from laughing at the letter. Specifically I would be worried about the part where they admit they can't predict the future. If they had the full Interwebs in China, they could predict the future like I can. The Final Four will be
Google should just pay what they owe to their investors and employees, and leave. The chinese people should all march on the government until they make china a democratic nation. If a certain incident occurs again, then the world will rape the chinese gov. Google be very affected by leaving china compared to what they win worldwide.
I would also think that Google would counter with some data that due to the Chinese government breaking in and illegally obtaining/obstructing data, all other negotiations are null and void.
Ahaha, since when?
I have a suggestion for them: Why don't they demand to be compensated by the Chinese government for their brilliant vision of internet freedom?...
[citation][nom]ashens[/nom]Isn't that the fake one?"Letter From Chinese Ad Sellers to Google Appears Fake" (2010/03/18, NYTimes)[/citation]
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]Google decides to honour the Chinese Government by responding in Chinese writing rather than English. [...] 744f82.jpg[/citation]
[citation][nom]SAL-e[/nom]This letter could be a fake.That Letter From Google China Partners Demanding Money For The Withdrawal Was Just Another Chinese Fake[/citation]

I know, I posted an update to the post, it's just taking f-o-r-e-v-e-r to update. Should be fixed in the next few minutes! :)
Nothing's real from China? Well, let's see... 80% of your consumer products have parts (or on a whole) made in China. Billions of dollars to keep US government and business running come from China too. If you are so rightous, please quit consuming anything that directly or indirectly relates to China production, and oh, take a 30% paycheck cut too, because mostly likely, your company's income/funding come from FDI originating from China.
[citation][nom]hennnry[/nom]Nothing's real from China? Well, let's see... 80% of your consumer products have parts (or on a whole) made in China. Billions of dollars to keep US government and business running come from China too. If you are so rightous, please quit consuming anything that directly or indirectly relates to China production, and oh, take a 30% paycheck cut too, because mostly likely, your company's income/funding come from FDI originating from China.[/citation]
Oh sorry, you must think I am American...
What did I say about the chinese government sending in the ninjas?!?! I was right!
piss on China... they think they own the world and can dictate everyone else's lives...
maybe the rest of the world needs to stop exporting raw resources to them and place HIGH tariffs on their imported goods and lets see how quickly they become more willing to work WITHIN the Intl community....
there are a LOT of bitter Americans who's jobs went there because of our freakin politicians and them having to pay back to big companies who donated to their campaigns.... the same companies who sent our jobs there so they could have a bigger profit margin and bonuses....
remember them election time.......
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