Got a 480W PSU and a'400W psu recommended' GPU. Is it ok to use a Molex to PCI adapter?


Jan 10, 2018
I got a Gigabyte RX 560 4gb GPU and a TRUEBASIX 480W PSU (doesn't have PCI connectors). The GPU web page recommend a 400W PSU so... is a good idea to use a 2x Molex to 6-Pin PCI adapter?
I would appreciate your help. Thanks :)
To me, any power supply that doesn't have the correct connections should be replaced. I can't find any reviews of that power supply to determine the quality, but when in doubt, replace it. The power supply is the foundation of a stable system.
To me, any power supply that doesn't have the correct connections should be replaced. I can't find any reviews of that power supply to determine the quality, but when in doubt, replace it. The power supply is the foundation of a stable system.
If your car had a red line of 6000rpm you would not be comfortable running it at 5500rpm all day. Maybe 3000rpm which is nominal. This might be a bad analogy but I think to run comfortably at 400W you would need a 800W. I always go big but then I never worry about power.