Got GTX 1080 Strix, Seem to be having issues in FireStrike and normal games!


Jun 11, 2016
Hey guys, well first here are my Firestrike benchmarks: - Normal - Extreme - Ultra

Now what I've noticed in the stats of these benchmarks is that the memory bus clock is: 667Mhz, which for somereason is the same as my secondary GPU which is the internal GPU.... so as far as I know that WAYYYYY too low for a gtx 1080, so what gives? And i tried benchmarking GTA 5 and most scenes are bellow 60 some bellow 40, settings are optimised using nvidia geforce experience so its still running 1080p. I upgraded from GTX 770, uninstalled the drivers with DDU and im currently running 368.39 which seems to be what nvidia claims is the newest driver. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Did you try putting the settings back to what you used with the 770 and see if it improved? I would also monitor CPU usage. Your firestrike score matches my 1080 exactly so the card is performing as it should. Your physics (cpu) score differs from my setup so I wonder if some random option is hitting the cpu and causing the low frames.

disabled it in the device manager, will disabling it in the bios do anything different?
Firestrike might be reporting the wrong numbers for core clock and memory speed but with a graphics score of 22k you card isn't running at those low speeds. Did you verify that you aren't running some type of up sampling? The recommended settings for several of my games tried to enable it through the nvidia experience software.

can confirm no sampling just GTA 5 running 1080p, could geforce experience overestimate the performance? since now everything is on max, but even then shouldnt a gtx 1080 be able to handle that?

I set both MSAA and Reflection MSAA to 2x didnt change my fps... kinda sad.
Did you try putting the settings back to what you used with the 770 and see if it improved? I would also monitor CPU usage. Your firestrike score matches my 1080 exactly so the card is performing as it should. Your physics (cpu) score differs from my setup so I wonder if some random option is hitting the cpu and causing the low frames.

Ok so i set eveyrhting to the lowest possible option and then went through each of them to see whats causing the slowdown, and i can report that it is 'Extended distance scaling' in the advanced options also 'Frame scaling mode' has the same effect too but i didnt have that enabled in the first place. As long as i turn the 'Extended distance scaling' to 0, it seems that every other option can be maxed out without any issues. Thanks for your help and could you tell me if youre running that option? its in the Advanced Graphics section, thanks!
Nice find. I was having a similar issue with The Witcher 3. If you turn the draw distance setting (forgot the actual name) down from Ultra to High you gain about 20 frames. If you turn it to Medium then you gain even more. I guess some of these open world games just bog down anything if the distance settings are cranked up.