Government Insists al-Qaeda Has Plan to Poison Buffets and Salad Bars

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Jul 17, 2010
Kurt Nimmo
December 21, 2010

First it was underwear, then barbeque gas canisters and toner cartridges. Now it is the local buffet and salad bar. Once again, the incompetent terror group al-Qaeda plans to kill random freedom lovers, at least according to nameless officials in the government.


“The United States has received information the group — al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula — was considering the tactic of placing ricin and cyanide poisons into food supplies, Department of Homeland Security officials confirmed to CNN.”

An “expert” told Fox News (see above video) that if the cave dwellers manage to spike the food supply, the government may have to simply tell people they can’t eat out. Chuck-A-Rama may be made illegal. For our own safety, of course.

In response to this ludicrous and “downplayed” information, officialdom met through “regular channels with representatives of the hotel and restaurant businesses to discuss the possibility that terrorists could target the food supply, and to reiterate ‘best practices’ to ensure the food supply is safe.”

Regular channels? Would that be InfraGard, the FBI’s eyes and ears that has 23,682 members in chapters that are geographically linked with FBI Field Office territories? Of course, we will probably never know because InfraGard is beyond the reach of the Freedom of Information Act under the “trade secrets” exemption.

“We’re aware that terrorists have been interested in doing this kind of thing for a long time. They’ve said as much and, as a result, we take all of this very seriously. But we don’t know of any current plotting along these lines,” officialdom told CNN.

Another mysterious “intelligence source” told CBS the threat to poison the Christmas cranberry sauce at the local Denny’s is “credible.”

In other words, you should be obsessed with defeating those slimy al-Qaedites. Obviously, the only response should be to demand the government install naked body scanners at the mall and deep freeze the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Anyway, try to have yourself a merry little Christmas.
ITsonic, we are pretty tolerant here at THG regarding links to other sites.

Copying and pasting an entire article (3 times) from another site is however, a bit over the top.

The site Editor in chief's (Chris and Tuan) are likely to take a dim view to you posting articles from another site without prior permission from the author, or giving their own consent.

Whilst the articles are interesting, a simple link (so we can look for ourselves) and some of your own commentary (which is sadly lacking) would be more appropriate.

I hope you understand.


Like the Alex Jones gives a Crap about me putting copy & pasting his stories all he cares about is getting the info out.

Well It's coming/ already here.

Look, I am trying to be nice about this ... next time follow my suggestions please ... that is all I ask.


Regardless of what you think an author may or may not care about, unless you have explicit permission to duplicate an article here without properly citing the source (a link to the source should always be included) doing so is against this site's Terms of Use. It's also much cleaner to post important excerpts and then link the source for those who may be interested in reading the whole thing.

Don't worry about anything. It's always Al Qaedea. Fear it. Ignore those rifle wielding Mexican drug smugglers, evil corporate entities, street gangs and homicidal teenagers. It's those Middle Eastern people we have to worry about.

So let me straight you mean to tell me that you can't go to type in the article name and read it yourself?

You mean to tell me you can't copy the URL from your address bar when you're already at the right page? What I can and can't do is irrelevant. All authors deserve their work to be properly credited. In addition to this it is a requirement for posting on this site, so there's nothing left to debate.
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