Question Gpu 3060ti broken?

Jun 29, 2023
I got a 3060ti off of Facebook marketplace place. Dude stopped responding to me. Been having nothing but problems. Just about every game I have played using it has crashed. I have ram DDU and nothing came up out of the normal. ALL drivers are up to date even went as far as to update my bios and it didn’t change. He info shows nothing out of the normal either though I have noticed that when games crash they spike 20 w or so. Not enough to crash it but just something I saw. The harder the game is to run the sooner it crashes. I have had a void of “corruption” I guess you would call it in two deprecate games. In red dead 2 it started in the sky. The longer I would stare the bigger it would get but if it went off camera I guess the game would fix whatever went off but it would just come back. It turned all the falling snow green and everything except my player would turn black. If I did a full 360 it would go away. It also happened in cod where it started in the sand and grew across it and eventually enveloped my screen crashing it. I have tried replacing PSU, putting it in a different computer, reinstalling drives. I could go on please give me recommendations if you have any. Starting to maybe think it was a mining card.
Jun 29, 2023
That's a decent/good PSU model. So definitely the GPU is faulty/defective here. Did the seller made it clear before that the card was used in Mining, and/or it was working perfectly on his/her PC before ?
Not at all said it was his friend’s. Also said it wasn’t faulty, just used but would be normal.