GPU and Compatibility

Benjamin Shaeffer

Apr 19, 2015
Hello, I'm back.. again!
I was curious if you guys could save the day AGAIN and let me know if this graphics card will be full on compatible with my PC, if you remember from my last post, my specs are:
also my budget is $200 on the dot, and hope to run F4, GTA V, on at least minimum.
Please continue reading!


Power supply: 600w



Processor: amd fx- 4200 (3.4 ghz quad core)

Motherboard: GA-78LMT-USB3 6.0


Card I'm looking for ( ) if this is compatible, and you need ANY MORE information, don't be afraid to ask! thank you for your time, this is a great community and I hope I can run some games better with it! and if it's not compatible or you have recommendations on a new GPU or CPU or something, don't be afraid to ask! bye!
I didn`t read your other post Benjamin,

But the Nvidia 750 Ti card will indeed work fine in your system.
8Gb of system memory is about the default standard in most systems and will be fine for playing games with.

And your power supply is enough to run your system well with the new Nvidia 750 Ti graphics card as your selection.

With the 750 TI card you should be able to play games at a max screen resolution of 1920 x 1080p.
If you intend to play games at that resolution that is.

For most games you may have to lower the in game graphics settings, or some of the features to at least keep each game running at 60 FPS.

As for the cpu, the FX 4300 quad core you can always overclock it if you wish to a higher running speed.
On average you...
I didn`t read your other post Benjamin,

But the Nvidia 750 Ti card will indeed work fine in your system.
8Gb of system memory is about the default standard in most systems and will be fine for playing games with.

And your power supply is enough to run your system well with the new Nvidia 750 Ti graphics card as your selection.

With the 750 TI card you should be able to play games at a max screen resolution of 1920 x 1080p.
If you intend to play games at that resolution that is.

For most games you may have to lower the in game graphics settings, or some of the features to at least keep each game running at 60 FPS.

As for the cpu, the FX 4300 quad core you can always overclock it if you wish to a higher running speed.
On average you can get about an extra 800Mhz of speed out of the cpu by overclocking it, providing you have a good cpu cooler fitted to the cpu. and it is very easy to overclock the cpu.

It all looks fine anyway Benjamin.