GPU and CPU temps problemetic


Sep 9, 2016
Hello! So I have a Bitfenix prodigy mini itx case and I'm concerned about my GPU and CPU temps. I Have a rear intake fan and a front exhaust and while the front fan seems its effect doesn't reach far enough back to cool the GPU. Now idle they run at reasonable temps. Except i think the CPU runs at about 55c according to bios, but according to open hardware monitor its around 45c. Problem i have is i have to seriously downgrade my game settings, as the GPU is pressed up against the case i can physically feel it and it can get hot to the touch, extremely hot.

I want to know if there are things i can do to bring the temps down, the front fan seems useless so I'm not sure if two additional top exhaust fans would help or be a waste of money. . I think it can also sport a bottom fan. Or could it be more of an issue with the case with the GPU being pressed against the side panel?

according to open hardware monitor when i ran a particular game at max settings for a very short amount of time the CPU maxed out at 60c and the GPU 79c


from what you've said I am to understand that the fan at the front of the case is pushing air outward and the one at the rear of the case is sucking air in? if so you need to switch that around so that air from the front of the case is being sucked in to blow across all of your components and is then being expelled from the rear of the case.


Sep 9, 2016

ok so great idea, but heres a problem i found. My front fan is mounted lower in the case so sits below where the motherboard and GPU sits. I can't move it up because the above mounting holes are for larger fans apparently. So while i can turn both around in position like you suggested, wouldn't its position at the bottom still be problematic for airflow?


Apr 29, 2014
i also had temperature problems with my system im now playing games with the case open and everything is real cool. Maybe try open case method and see the temps then. Im assuming that too much hot air is trapped in the case and not enough cool air is present resulting in high temps