GPU and Motherboard


Mar 17, 2014

I am building my first gaming rig. I was testing all of the parts together to see if everything fit well before the rest of my parts were delivered tomorrow. I was going alright until I got onto the GPU. Now you say, "What could possibly be wrong?" Well, I'm worried that the GPU I have currently bought will not install properly onto the motherboard because of size. I bought an Asus Z87 Pro (V Edition) for my motherboard
and a EVGA GeForce GTX 770 SC Dual BIOS 2GB. I measured the card and it's somewhere near 10 inches. I tried pushing the GPU into one of the slots, but all of the PCIe x16 slots are in such weird positions that the GPU is always in the way of something. Though, the SATA spot is the only spot where I can see any potential fit, I am not sure of it actually clicking and connecting properly. Has anyone had any problems like this, or do you think I should try pushing a little harder to get that in there?

No, I am talking about as it actually fitting it into the PCIe x16 slot without damaging any of the SATA connectors at the edge of the MOBO. As you can see, the SATA cable connectors sit right in the way if I was to put the GPU in the PCIe X16 slot that is black and is the second PCIe x16 slot. I have a good sound card I want to put in there as well, but I would have no room if I put the GPU in any other slot due to it being so big it would cover certain things that are pretty important, don't want to do that. lol Which leads me to asking this question, am I thinking the motherboard more fragile than it actually is?