GPU and PSU upgrades?


Aug 16, 2013
I'm thinking of getting a PC since my laptop starting to cause problems. I found a fully assembled PC on Amazon with decent specs at a very great value for performance price. Pricing at £340, it's such a steal. However, I do plan to purchase a better PSU and GPU separately to support my gaming needs. What do you guys think? If you are kind enough, suggest a good GPU (£150) and PSU (£50) as an upgrade for this PC. Thanks so much for helping! :)

PC Link:
I might pass.

Not only will you have to buy a OS and replace the psu, but you may well find that the case has insufficient ventilation for a gamer.

Try putting together a list of exactly what you want and see if you can do better.

Allocate 2x the cpu cost for your graphics card.
I mostly wanted to play PES and FIFA. I also want to emulate Wii games that I owned and replayed them in HD (Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess and Xenoblade).

What do you think of the price? Is it better to build from scratch or grab this one for its price?