GPU and PSU watts


Jan 8, 2015
Hi. I have a lenovo x315 (90B00000US). I recently bought a 970 gtx card but the minimum watts required is 500.
Do i have to upgrade psu when its 450?
current specs are a10 -7850k
Hard Drive 2 TB
Graphics Coprocessor
AMD ATI Radeon R9 260 2GB
Graphics Card Ram Size 2000 MB
I do realize that. But is it going to be a huge difference the bottleneck? I bought a 750 watt cxm bronze corsair. I get the gpu tomorrow and according to amazon where i got my computer the motherboard is a 14 pin atx cable. So i need an adapter? Can i run it with the 450 plat until i get the cable?
Then i'll just wait till i upgrade psu.
This is the amazon post regarding upgrading psu. or those looking to upgrade the video card, here's what you need to know.

There is only 1 slot for a graphics card. For my unit (90B00000US), it came with a Radeon R9 series on it. I upgraded with my older Radeon HD 7850 2GB, and fortunately the stock power supply (FSP 450W 80 plus platinum, which is a solid one) has been running it fine so far. Note that 450W for a Radeon HD 7850 is cutting it close - for a more powerful card you will probably need to upgrade the power supply.

If you want to upgrade the power supply, you have to deal with one annoying fact that this motherboard uses a 14-pin but not the standard 24-pin cable (probably true for other Lenovo desktops too). I had to dig around for an adaptor and I'm still waiting for it to ship. I'm trying to overclock my card after the power supply upgrade.
The A10 wont be that much of a bottleneck, sure it will limit the GPU a bit but replacing it won't change your world :)

Also you can OC the A10 with your new PSU.

Don't run the card with your old PSU, it's just a risk not worth taking, you can wait that day for the PSU to arrive.
i already have the psu and the gpu comes tomorrow. I just need the cable to hook the psu to the motherboard because its 14 pin apparently. And i'll just wait i guess :/

I doubt he could OC on an OEM motherboard

Yeah my bad, I was already lost in thought about the bottleneck and disregarded that 😛
Regardless it's still not a huge bottleneck.