Question GPU bottleneck and speed check ?


What GPU were you on prior to the GTX1650 Super?

Please list the specs to your build like so:

Even if you migrated to the Z77 platform, you'd be able to overlock the ram(if the ram can be overclocked, it won't work if you have generic sub par rams to work with), you'll see a minor uplift in performance but that won't negate the fact that you have an old platform.
Dec 20, 2022
Ram: 8gb 4x2
SSd: 500 gb
Processor: i7 3770
mobo: GA H61 M S1 rev 2.2
GPU: gigabyte 1650 super

I'm just concerned how much GT/S does my gpu support is my pcie is sufficient to unleash its potential though I know my setup is old so it does effect performance and still just to know how much GT/S does a 1650 have if i do pair it with a new latest setup just for knowledge
If the GPU utilization is close to 100%, it's fine. If you're after FPS at all costs, then lower the graphics quality to the minimum and see what you get. That's the maximum the system can offer. If it's not to your liking, you'll need to get a significantly better CPU.

PCIe link speed is a non-factor for the most part unless you're either wanting really high frame rates (like 200+) or the video card is swapping data in and out of VRAM.