GPU broken fan amd R9 280 dual x


Aug 21, 2017
Hi guys i got r9 280 dual x but one fan is unpluged because is broken. Can I still play games like Pubg and Me:A on 1 fan? I opened the case a little bit for better air flow i got 75° C on full load. I have bougth new fans from ebay but it will take some time maybe even 1 month.
For now oc only on 1000mhz core 1350mem +20power fan speed 65% waiting for second one to clock it more.
Remove the damaged fan and temporarily ziptie a case cooling fan in its place as a temporary cooling solution. When you finally receive your replacement fans then just remove the old remaining fan and ziptied fan and put the new ones in.
Remove the damaged fan and temporarily ziptie a case cooling fan in its place as a temporary cooling solution. When you finally receive your replacement fans then just remove the old remaining fan and ziptied fan and put the new ones in.

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