GPU choices for pc

Shaun Boyce

Jul 7, 2013
So, im upgrading from my gtx 760, to give myself alot more head room in my pc.
mainly for gaming, and for editing and a Diploma course im taking

so the cards im looking at-
GTX 970- looking to SLI them straight up, so i get all that performance around $500 for a nice card (im in australia)
GTX980- looking for one straight up, but later on putting in a second- Around $900 for a decent card
AMDR9295X2- just one card, but in australia they are down to 1000 bucks solid.

which card/cards would be best for pushing the limits of games, and will last longest for the price/performance??
If you consider the Price/Performance/Value Ratio, 970 in SLI will be the most definite and enough for what you are doing, but If you are looking solid just for Performance, of course R9295X2 is the best even though it is overpriced considering the price/performance ratio.

If you have the moeny, I suggest SLI the 980 because in that case, the performance will be significantly better than 970 SLI.

Hope it helped!
Ok, reason i cant go 980 sli is money, cause im not in a full time job, and i have to pay my diploma out. so if i were to say, that i want a 4k monitor, would the 970sli be better, or would i be better off buying a 980 on its own, then later sli it. (only problem is cash)

and the r9295x2 isnt to bad anymore (being the r9 290x is 500 australian dollars, and the 295x2 just 4 months ago was 1800 australian.)
I can get a Gigabyte GTX 970 WF OC here in Adelaide for $473 and a Gigabyte GTX 980 G1 for $788, I think you need to shop around better and find some better prices then what you've quoted. Little bit of effort can save you a lot.