GPU Choices & General Machine setup

The GPU Choice?

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Aug 25, 2011
I have recently installed the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 card it runs well but for FIFA & Watchdogs
I'm suffering a little lag when the machine is trying to generate new graphics I have had a previous discussion about overclocking but i'm a newcomer and not too fond of the idea.

So do I upgrade the GPU or go for the i7 processor?

It looks like the GPU is the general thought so i have a choice of gpu's i could go for, your opinions are needed if you guys have the time, Thanks

It's probably out of these two:

The price here seems so low compared to the others that i'm worried about the gap in performace and possible problems with it being an AMD:

I like this but is right at the top of my budget:

Current Specs:

Operating System
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Intel Core i3 540 @ 3.07GHz 62 °C
Clarkdale 32nm Technology
8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 562MHz (6-6-6-15)
MSI H55M-E33(MS-7636) (CPU 1) 56 °C
G2420HDBL (1920x1080@60Hz)
2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (Gigabyte) 31 °C
GTX 770 > GTX 760 > R9-270X
But your aging 1st gen i3 is not helping matters. It may even be bottlenecking the GTX 660. For that class of games at 1920x1080p resolution, you really need a quad core. Unfortunately, finding one for the 1156 socket will probably be a search in the used CPU section.
Thanks, I've found the quad core i7 for my socket and may get that first

Do I have anyway of telling if bottle-necking is the issue?

If you can monitor your CPU usage during a game and notice the CPU is at or near 100% usage, it is almost a sure bet that the CPU is bottlenecking the gfx card. Especially if the GPU is way less than 100% usage at that same time.

Thanks, I'm a little worried that my CPU isn't good enough to make the best of such a high end card though,
or am i focusing too much on the CPU performance?

Great i'll try that later,Although the i7 is £80 so probably worth a shot anyway!

Any opinion on this card as an upgrade?
At £170 It looks good to me?

Not with your current processor. But with the i7, possibly... depending on the exact i7 you are considering.

Thanks Guys, I ordered the Gigabyte-GTX770 but before installing it I've checked for bottle-necking running games and it seems the CPU is running at between 95-100, looks like that is where my problem is so now i'm thinking of a new CPU and mobo, any suggestions welcome!

Built a pc for a friend recently using this i5 bundle, its a great deal!

This DIY motherboard bundle consists of a tried and tested combination components: Asus H81M-K Motherboard, Intel Core i5 4440 Quad Core CPU and TeamGroup Elite Black 8GB 1600MHz Memory

£228.97 inc VAT

Thanks, Do you think an i5 is up to it?
Thanks for the help guys, Looks like i need more sata's on the MOBO and am o not better of going for pci 3?

Yeah if you need more than 4 Sata connections then you should look at a H87/H97 board. PCI-E 3 doesnt really make any difference for a single GPU config.