GPU & clearing cmos?


Nov 23, 2016
Hello I'm new and finishing up building or overhauling a pc and have had some issues and it's come down to clearing cmos on the MB via tiny reset button on rear of card and I was curious never doing it before so I have to remove the graphics card and or the battery or just unplug me simply press the button on the MSI z97 g45 and also do I have to hold the button down or push it in rather for any length of time. It's kind of a few questions but any help would be very appreciated.
There's no reason to remove anything ... unless of course, you can not get to the battery and things have to be removed to get to it. But again, today, most boards in the mid price range have ythe remote button on back of case.
So I don't have to remove the video card but I may have to use the MB video if I don't get video from the card after clearing cmos if that's the case I wanted to know if it was wise to remove the video board before resetting?