GPU coil whine


Dec 29, 2013
Currently I have asus gtx 760s in sli. The coil whine is really not that bad, a light buzz at most and really only audible when near the cards themselves. However... I'm ocd and want to find cards with no coil whine. Is there any brand that has a low rate of coil whine in cards? thanks

when i buy another one i will try to make a better airflow in case which is HAF 912+ its well aired now but it can allways go better :) bumer that it didnt help you with it good solution just isolate the bastard :)
Trust me, I feel where you're coming from - the issues are even more pronounced when watercooling. No brand seems to have a low rate of coil whine - they all consider it perfectly acceptable because most people can't hear it between having normal hearing and the fans going, and of the ones who can, many don't care.

I'm like realllly ocd so I pick it up immediately. It doesn't bother me.... that much... erm, but I would think they should fix it? lol.... like I thought it was a defect at first. I'm going to be watercooling here pretty soon. Coil whine is an issue here too?! I'm probably gonna buy an xspc kit. I heard they are really quiet

Yeah, no, I wasn't saying that you shouldn't notice, just giving the reasons manufacturers don't bother with it. It annoys me an immense amount too; both from my graphics card and from poorly insulated capacitors in my monitor that whine at low brightness.

And it doesn't matter if the kit is quiet or not, dude... it's a bigger issue because then the graphics card doesn't have fans on it and the entire system is quieter, but you can't quiet the coil whine. See what I'm saying?

coil whine is that some thing what will start to do with every card just is a matter of time or? couse i have 2mounths old PC also have asus gtx 760 but no coil whine

coil whine is that some thing what will start to do with every card just is a matter of time or? couse i have 2mounths old PC also have asus gtx 760 but no coil whine[/quotemsg]

Every card is going to do it, and yes, it will develop over time, but you might just have one that's quiet enough that you can't hear it over everything else in the PC.

It's also something that becomes an issue under load, rather than at idle.


Every card is going to do it, and yes, it will develop over time, but you might just have one that's quiet enough that you can't hear it over everything else in the PC.

It's also something that becomes an issue under load, rather than at idle.


yes i know but if i always have a limit on my GPU FPS i hope i will not have that problems only time when i hear GPU coil whine is when im doing windows expiriance index couse there is no way to put a limit on FPS and who knows how much is stresing the card and what FPS is producing hopefully i have a lock on 60FPS that will be it i crossed my fingers couse it is anoying i heard it thats why im wondering

They perform pretty darn good for a $500 GPU setup. Although the one on top will get a bit hotter than on bottom when under load. I would save your money though and wait for the 800s series cards to come on. Which should be by early next year I think? Fairly soon though

yeah now I see what you are saying.... but I'm buying a really quiet case. The Anthoo Primo, it is sound and dust proof, so I doubt I will be able to hear it. The only reason I can hear it now is because there is huge grill on the side of my case for 2 120mm fans haha
Yeah I lock my FPS but I still get a very slight buzzing from the graphics card. It's not a huge deal as I'm getting a sound proof case for Christmas! :) And from what I've read coil whine can come in any GPU, that is just unfortunately how they are made.

Yeah, do by chance know which brand of graphics cards has the lowest percent chance of getting coil whine. If I ever buy in the future I want to get some with low chance of it. Also RMAing my current ones would be pointless in case you are wondering, I RMA'ed them twice and still got same results. Not buying GPUs from asus again. Thanks for the answer though! I think I'm going to go with EVGA

when i buy another one i will try to make a better airflow in case which is HAF 912+ its well aired now but it can allways go better :) bumer that it didnt help you with it good solution just isolate the bastard :)