GPU Constantly under load


Oct 4, 2015

I recently did a clean installation of Windows 10 on my new SSD and I noticed that my GPU (GTX 970) is constantly at 40-45% usage at idle and at around 50°C.
I tried to re-install the latest GPU drivers and tried to find if there wasn't anything that was using the GPU with Process Explorer but there wasn't anything. I never had this issue on my HDD and the GPU was always at 0% usage at idle ..
Also, I did a new installation of Windows 10 because I had viruses problems on the HDD (the viruses came from a USB key, worm + Trojan), is it possible that my GPU got infected and is still infected ?

Anyone knows how to fix this or does it seem normal to be at 40% at idle?

use the software hitman pro, or malwarebyte. those are strong protections that can find viruses and malware that are hiding anywhere on your computer. If it doesnt have a virus, you should apply new thermal paste to the GPU

I tried to change some Nvidia settings in the control pannel and also removed the card from my computer, cleaned it a little and put it back and it seems the problem is gone, I have no idea how thought ..