Question GPU core clock MHz keeps dropping while gaming.

Apr 3, 2019
My gpu core clock MHz keeps dropping while I'm gaming from 1150 MHz to 135MHz. I have the MSI afterburner display overlay in the top left so i can see the temps and MHz while gaming. my temps ranges from 65 to 75 Celsius so it's probably not that. It's really frustrating because i get around 60-65 fps and then it just drops. I've tried different solutions but they don't seem to work. PLEASE HELP!!
Here are my specs:
Intel core i5 6200u
8gb ram
Geforce 940m
HP envy laptop
What have you tried? And in which games are you noticing the drop?
I've tried undervolting in that intel programme and also throttlestop. I've also tried setting the fortnite to high priority but that doesn't work. And I watched some fps boost videos because it usually happens when I cap it to 60 fps. That's all I can remember doing. It usually frequently happens with fortnite like every 2 minutes but when I play csgo it happens rarely.
Try updating/reinstalling the NVidia driver, if you haven't done that:

When you install, choose "Custom (Advanced)" --> Uncheck "GeForce Experience", check the option, "Perform a clean installation."

You can update the Intel Graphics if your system is using NVidia Optimus, too (if you do, update it before the NVidia driver).
I've tried that and it's still happening
It could be your adapter (charger). Do you notice it stop charging the battery when this happens, by any chance?

Worst case would be a faulty GPU. Your last resort would be a clean install of Windows and the drivers to cover your bases on the software side of things, and maybe update the system firmware if an update is available from HP (that should include a video BIOS update).