GPU/CPU usage low but still low FPS?


Jan 12, 2013
Game - BF4
Res - 1080p
GPU usage spikes between 40-99%
CPU sits around 50%
FPS is spiking between 30-100fps
Precision X shows ZERO voltage?

I keep seeing a low fps (some maps it just its at 40fps) but nothing seems to be being stressed out? So what's causing it?

I figured assuming that the CPU can handle it, which I think mine can as its usage is 50% that if your asking a GPU to run full Ultra then it will do either of the following:

1. Struggle to run said game at a decent fps on Ultra therefore sit at 99% usage and produce poor fps.

2. Run said game fine with high fps and sit somewhere below 99% usage.

I seem to be seeing the opposite, my GPU seems to be spiking to low usage but also producing poor fps say 50% of the time, why is this?

Also the Voltage meter on Precision X just shows zero all the time?

As you can see below, my GPU usage rarely hits 99% even though the CPU stays around 50% and my fps still spikes quite low...


Yeah that's what I meant, my old unclocked card would show a value in that meter on the left?

Right, if you were to click the button labeled overvoltage and accept the warning, you can then slide the bar up to add to the voltage.

Thanks, am not looking to OC just yet as still trying to get my head round the low fps even though nothing is stressed out?
Just ran Valley benchmark...

Preset: Extreme HD
Score - 2576
FPS - 61.6
Min FPS - 24.2
Max FPS - 116.7

Usage screen grab:

CPU seemed to average 25%
GPU averaged 99%

To me that ^^ is how it should be working, ie: 99% GPU usage. So why in BF4 is my GPU usage all over the dam place while giving poor FPS?