So, I've looked far and wide all over the interwebs for a solution to this problem and I haven't found one. I built my own gaming PC. My (Windows 7 64 bit) build includes:
EVGA 600 Watt PSU
Gigabyte Motherboard Model: GA-F2A78M-D3H
(2) 4 GB RAM Sticks
After market CPU Cooler
And finally,
Gigabyte AMD Radeon R7 250x 2GB RAM
I've been keeping an eye on my GPU temp with a program from This gives me readings of about 65 degrees C while gaming. When the GPU overheats I get this sudden screen of death (blue screen with lines)
If anyone can tell me to switch out my GPU for something else or maybe replace mine that would be awesome! And just to give you guys an idea of how ridiculous hot this thing gets i opened up youtube and watched a 3 min video and it got to like 45 C.
EVGA 600 Watt PSU
Gigabyte Motherboard Model: GA-F2A78M-D3H
(2) 4 GB RAM Sticks
After market CPU Cooler
And finally,
Gigabyte AMD Radeon R7 250x 2GB RAM
I've been keeping an eye on my GPU temp with a program from This gives me readings of about 65 degrees C while gaming. When the GPU overheats I get this sudden screen of death (blue screen with lines)
If anyone can tell me to switch out my GPU for something else or maybe replace mine that would be awesome! And just to give you guys an idea of how ridiculous hot this thing gets i opened up youtube and watched a 3 min video and it got to like 45 C.