GPU Decision 280x/290x


Jul 16, 2014
I currently have a R9 280X Dual-x gpu, but I purchased a windforce 290x under pressure from friends. (Ye, i know stupid). Should i keep it or return it.

280x is virtually new (I got for $340 AUD)
290x ($400 AUD)

How many extra frames would i get if i was to use 290x?

Do you think i will be able to sell the 280x at a reasonable price?, if so how much do you estimate? \


Looking at Ebay Australia, I'd say $250-$370
If you want a realistic answer... if the R9 290X is still unopened... then by all means return it to the store since you don't really need it.

Other responders were telling you to keep te 290X but not a single person bothered to ask which resolution your monitor is. If your monitor only does 1080P then it's pretty much a waste of money to have a 290X since the 280X can handle virtually all 1080p-set games at max resolution without any problems... and you probably won't see much of a performance gain at all... so yes, it really was a waste of money. However, if you had something like a 6850 originally... then you'd see a huge gain with the 290X....