Question GPU fan revving while in games


May 20, 2017
Recently, and I don't know what changed, my GPU fans have been fluctuating between low and max rpm while I'm in games. I've had my computer for almost a year without any problems. Every now and then I would hear the fans rev, but now I can hear what sounds like police sirens through my headset and it drives me crazy. I thought maybe my computer was restricted in airflow so I moved it somewhere more open and added fans to the inside(3 intake, 1 exhaust) but the problem continued. I downloaded EVGA Precision to track the rpm and it's set to 85 degrees as the target, which it stays true to that target as I watched it creep up in heat while gaming. But I'm stumped on why it hasn't done this before. I hope this is an easy solution. Any ideas?
-I have the latest drivers
-Geforce RTX 2080Ti
You might want to reinstall the drivers and see if that changes the issue. You might also want to state what were changed since you last had the card(before since you noticed the noise)? Games will end up taxing the card differently and higher details will also demand more from the GPU.
If it's been a year, it may be a good time to blow the dust out of the system. Ideally remove the video card to get at it well, but do all components in the case as well.
If you never done this before, ensure the system is off and unplugged. Use a can of compressed air, and wait a couple of minutes to fire it all back up.
Youmay also want to adjust the fan curve settings for the GPU to have the fan speed come up slightly before it hits 85 degrees