Question Gpu fan shroud broken

Oct 16, 2023
ok so... I bought a pny gtx 1070 8 GB OC off of eBay for $70 but the old owners painted it white to match their old build so I tried to paint it black... with car wrap. yeah didn't go so well, it looked TERRIBLE but I was like eh whatever, and brushed it off. until my GPU was getting a bit toasty so I opened up my PC to check it out and the fan shroud had fallen off. turns out the screw stand-offs had cracked. so now I can't screw on the fan shroud to the GPU. what do I do please help.
Oct 16, 2023
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Use zip ties, if at all possible or look for a replacement cooler assembly for the GPU. Got a link to the GPU? If not, a model for the PNY GPU you have?

Is it this;
Yes, that is the GPU, I will use zip ties for now. I've already looked around at coolers and stuff and couldn't find anything that isn't worth more than the entire GPU.

edit: also the fans won't screw onto the shroud so how would I get those on, just zip ties?