Recently I started hearing what sounds like a HDD in my computer making read/write noises, sort of like a dull click-clack kind of sound every couple of seconds, which will last several minutes and then stop. I was worried a HDD was failing. However, on opening my tower and observing I found that in fact it's the fans on my RTX 2060 Super making this noise. When the GPU is idle, the two fans will stop and start as needed, and every time a fan starts from a stopped position it will make this low click-clack noise. One will start, the other will stop, and this repeats for several minutes continuously until eventually both fans will spin and the noise stops. When the GPU goes back to idle the fans begin their start/stop process and the noise starts again.
- I assume this is normal behavior for an idle GPU to stop and start its fans?
- Is the fact that the fans are making this noise a sign of an issue? They are not dirty and seem to be spinning just fine. I don't see them catching on anything when they spin (I know what that sounds like and this doesn't sound like that). I'm not sure what's causing this in the first place or if it's really a problem.
- My biggest question is, how do I stop them from making this noise? It's really annoying 😅
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