GPU fans replacing


Dec 13, 2016
HI guys

A couple of days ago a blade from 1 of my fans broke(no idea how)

my gpu is gygabite r9 270

Now i cant find any replacement so 1 of my friends gave me 1 of his older cooler.. Its asus r9 270 x .. Now the only rpoblem i found is that my old coolers had 3 pins going into the gpu while this new fan has 5 of them.. Can i smehow make it work? if i cant change the fan speed its not an issues,my gpu was always cold anyway..

Would really appreciate any help
yea very possible however you got some soldering to do.

the new fan you have with 5 wires is probably a PWM fan with a led light or something. you only need to hook up the three that the old one had to get fan control and only need 2 to get it to spin.

depending on the coloring scheme of the wires you just need to hook up the + to the +(usually black I think), the - to the -(usually white I think) and the data to the data (usually yellow). cut splice solder and heatshrink.

if you cant do this, some of those automotive crimp connectors will probally work too.

also you may have some luck finding an adapter on the internet somewhere but this is going to cost money and is not a guarantee that such a product works.
yea very possible however you got some soldering to do.

the new fan you have with 5 wires is probably a PWM fan with a led light or something. you only need to hook up the three that the old one had to get fan control and only need 2 to get it to spin.

depending on the coloring scheme of the wires you just need to hook up the + to the +(usually black I think), the - to the -(usually white I think) and the data to the data (usually yellow). cut splice solder and heatshrink.

if you cant do this, some of those automotive crimp connectors will probally work too.

also you may have some luck finding an adapter on the internet somewhere but this is going to cost money and is not a guarantee that such a product works.

so just to add some details,my old gpu fans only had wires going to the gpu,but this new 1 has 8(2 yellows,2black,2 blue,1red and 1 green) and it doesnt have any led,so its not that

btw this is for the picture i dont know how accurate it is
Pin1: RPM (Fan 2) 1x Wire
Pin2: Ground 2x Wire
Pin3: +12V 2x Wire
Pin4: RPM (Fan 1) 1x Wire
Pin5: PWM 2x Wire

here you can see how the new 1 looks like.. now i have to get this to a 3 pin somehow... ty for the help
so I'm guessing that this is for a dual fan design and the double cables is for individual fan control. it is kind of weird imo but do a test and find out what you need to hook it up. I'm sure if you have one 12v+ and one ground the fan will spin.

you might also have some kind of system where half of the windings are on one wire half on another... I'm gonna bet this isn't it lol. if you have a spare 12V power source touch a few wires together see which ones spin it and solder that up.

its probabally pin 3 pin 2 and pin 5

yea this is the fan

so according to the picture i have to hook up only the blacks and the yellow cables and it should spin?


yes. however if you want control also do that third cable to the pin 5.

to spin a motor you only need positive and ground. to control that motor using the onboard controller you need to hook up that third one. should be a pretty easy job. Good luck to you!

ty very much.. just a quick question, can i damage the gpu if i connect it the wrong way? i do think that its easy but i can always make a mistake..
if you hook up the 12V to the pwm it may do something bad to the fans... not anything bad to the card to my knowledge. if you do somehow torch the fan header on the card you can always just solder the fans to an motherboard fan header or a molex plug. you will lose fan control though.

ty for the help,it works now.. now ihave another problem.. So both coolers(that i used and use now) have a problem with fan vibration.. Now my friend told me that on his fans everything should be fine.. I checked and the fan vibrating is the 1 i took out (had to check the cables,so i removed the 3 screw and after i checked everything i put it back) .. After it started vibrating i had no idea whats going on,so i checed my old cooler and just to be sure i took out 1 of fans on that cooler and when i put it backit vibrates too(that fan didnt till that).. So any idea what might cause it? i put back 3 screws and i dont know what might be wrong

I would have to look at the coolers and figure it out with some difficulty. what is most likely to be the case is the fan is not balanced. what I expect is if you hold the fan sideways it always spins to have one blade facing down. that would be because that blade is heavier or the other side is too light...

other possibility is that somehow you damaged the bearing when you installed the fan into the new cooler or what ever you did to it lol your wording is hard to understand what exactly you did.

I would first find out if the fan is not balanced by holding the card sideways and seeing if it spins for the heavy side and then do a quick analysis on how to balance that blade. I would recommend a little sandpaper wheel on a dermal or something to shave small amounts of plastic away if this is the case.

if the fan does not spin when its held sideways look and see if it spins normally with your finger. if the bearing seems out of round or has slop in it (lateral movement when not spinning) then something wrong is in there. you can try to rebuild the bearing but usually these are very hard to do. probably smarter to see if you can just maybe snap it back together say if it was pulled apart a bit or something like that.

also something to check is do you have the cooling shroud fully secured to the card PCB sometimes little vibrations can be amplified if something is left loose.

other than that man its hard to say