Hi. I have a 7-years old PC and it's time to upgrade. I did a config but I really don't know about GPU's. I have a circa 500€ budget for the card, and i want to know the best card fot this money. I hope to play at least the next 6 months games that will be released without changing the card. I was thinking about gtx 580 but I really need some help. Do you think that I can max out the future games, for at least 6 months with this? Or there is a better choice for this money?
The card will be used with a i7-2600k, max resolution 1900*1200. So, whats the best choice for the budget? I really don't want to buy another one in 3-6 months to be able to play the next games. Thank and sorry for my bad English .
The card will be used with a i7-2600k, max resolution 1900*1200. So, whats the best choice for the budget? I really don't want to buy another one in 3-6 months to be able to play the next games. Thank and sorry for my bad English .