gpu for battlefield 4

stephan leitz

Jul 23, 2013
right now i live in brazil, ave a gt 640, it suck im pretty sure it wont run bf4 at 1080p, and i going to have to buy it before the games launches because my brother is bringing it form the us for me, since i dont feel like paying 3x the price here :))



May 24, 2013
A 760 or 7950 would do the job just fine, the 7950 allowing for more overclocks than the former. You don't necessarily need to go the extra mile for a 680/7970. However, if you would like to, then I recommend the 7970; 50% more VRAM, as well as a 384-bit bus compared to 256-bit.
Plus, now that the micro-stuttering issues have been fixed, you could always buy a second one for SLI when the time comes.
Agree get a Sapphire HD 7950/7970.

But really no one can say for sure what BF4 will need since it is not out yet. Having said that I still feel that the current high end GPU's will do just fine with BF4 so on the AMD/ATI side a HD 7950/7970 and in the Nvidia side a GTX 670/GTX 770 will work just fine.

I am still betting on my SLI GTX 670 to get me though the next gen games. So far my i5/Nvidia rig has not let me down.


May 24, 2013

Actually, the BF4 system reqs have been released. It requires essentially the same as BF3. The "recommended" from Dice is a GTX 660/7870, and, assuming that (using these specs) it will be simlar to BF4, we can say that either of the cards in question will destroy it.
BF3 was good with AMD and NVIDIA GPUs, so hopefully BF4 will be the same way. However, the test benches that showed it off at E3 were running 7990s, which gives off the impression that the game performs best on an AMD platform.