Question Gpu for Laptop

Jun 24, 2024
Hi guys, I have a Lenovo e14 laptop with i5 10210u processor, 32 gb of ram, integrated GPU. I'm playing poker on a poker site which unfortunately is very heavy, especially in CPU usage. By the site managers' own admission, the high CPU usage '' is caused by a library that helps us to develop cross-platform software''.
However, those who play with a new PC on this site have no problems.
My PC which instead of a few years ago can't handle four open tables.
In the first hour it goes well, then it starts to slow down, often everything stalls for a few seconds then it recovers. The graphics start to be slow and often jerky. Restarting the PC everything goes back to being ok at least for half an hour. All the time CPU usage is around 45%, GPU usage varies between 10 and 40%, and RAM usage is around 2 gigs for the GPU and 6 gigs for the rest, out of 36 available.
For the entire time the temperature of the cores is stable around 90 degrees, and even when touching the PC with your hand it does not seem to heat up as the hours pass.
I play at 1920 x 1080 resolution using only one external monitor (I don't need more), and deactivating the notebook one.
In your opinion, is it possible to improve the situation by adding an external GPU? (I don't know if there would be space to add an internal one).
I would use the GPU only for this use, up to 150 euros/dollars I would have no problem spending but if I need to spend more I could also consider iIf possible it would be important for it to be as quiet as possible.
What options would I have in terms of attacks? In the case of laptops, do we use USB?
Can anyone recommend anything to me? Thanks


Feb 11, 2024
I'm playing poker on a poker site which unfortunately is very heavy, especially in CPU usage. By the site managers' own admission, the high CPU usage '' is caused by a library that helps us to develop cross-platform software''.
I'd be more concerned about whether this poker site is running something nefarious in the background. Like a cryptominer. Task manager and Event Manager are worth monitoring.

You can't upgrade the GPU internally on the E14. And you are very unlikely to find a Thunderbolt eGPU for 150 euros or less.
Jun 24, 2024
I'd be more concerned about whether this poker site is running something nefarious in the background. Like a cryptominer. Task manager and Event Manager are worth monitoring.

You can't upgrade the GPU internally on the E14. And you are very unlikely to find a Thunderbolt eGPU for 150 euros or less.
Thanks for your advices. I'm pretty sure the poker room is safety but i will take a look in any case. They have some access to your pc to check if you are not using unpermitted poker software, if you are in a permitted place of the world ecc... maybe this also take some use of CPU.
I have just noticed that the port of my pc is USB-C 3.1 Gen 1 and not Thunderbolt .
I'm having some problems to find a solution on google because i'm totally beginner about graphic things...
I can't understand if there are unique solutions that include power (if necessary), Docking Station and graphic card that perhaps can be attached directly to the USB-C, or it is necessary to buy the components separately.
What options do I have from this point of view?
Eaven if I have to spend more than 150 euros is ok, i don't say my budget because i imagine that for playing poker an entry level solution is ok, so let's start to understand whitch are this entry level solution.
Thanks a lot


Feb 11, 2024
I’m not well versed in the online poker client universe… but my spidey senses suggest that the CPU may be more important than GPU. 10210U is a pretty lightweight CPU that’s designed more for low power consumption (4 cores, 15W design).

I suspect that the most cost-effective solution for you is to get a new computer with faster CPU and GPU. Thunderbolt eGPUs are expensive and pretty janky, and even if you got it working on your E14 you’re still stuck with the existing low power CPU. They often end up costing much the same as an actual desktop PC.

But in the meantime, see if you can do a malware check on your laptop and clean up unnecessary programs running in the background.
Jun 24, 2024
I’m not well versed in the online poker client universe… but my spidey senses suggest that the CPU may be more important than GPU. 10210U is a pretty lightweight CPU that’s designed more for low power consumption (4 cores, 15W design).

I suspect that the most cost-effective solution for you is to get a new computer with faster CPU and GPU. Thunderbolt eGPUs are expensive and pretty janky, and even if you got it working on your E14 you’re still stuck with the existing low power CPU. They often end up costing the same as an actual desktop PC.

But in the meantime, see if you can do a malware check on your laptop and clean up unnecessary programs running in the background.
I have just discovered that i just have a USB-C 3.1 port and not Thunderbolt. I feel confortable to try it because if it doesn't work well a still have 30 days refound.
Before than give up i would like to know how much would be to put an eGPU on my pc, even to know something new about this kind of solution. (i have a NERD soul :) ).
About the last thing you said i tryed to format the ssd and made a clean installation of win10, and tryed to run the poker room only after installing drivers and updatating windows, buy it was exactly like before.
Thanks for your reply