GPU Heatpipe Copper vs Aluminium


May 25, 2015
I notice that certain GPUs has a heat pipe, but what I noticed is that some GPUs has a Copper looking pipe and another has a "silver" looking pipe, which I think is aluminum. So my question is, which Heatpipe is better for a GPU? Which does which?

I will be using a GTX 970.
Im pretty sure the copper one runs cooler by a little bit.

i own the msi golden edition gtx 970 (copper heatsink) and it seems to run cooler than many i have seen under full load

Is the "Silver" Heatpipe Aluminum?

Copper has better thermal conductivity than aluminium. But sometimes heatpipes will be galvanized (coated) in another metal such as aluminium for corrosion resistance or aesthetics. Nothing to worry about. Noctua use aluminium coated heatpipes on their coolers and they are probably the best performing air coolers around.