Connecting 6 pin pcie causes graphics card (msi gtx 1080 gaming x 8gb) causes whole system to crash. Everything runs even the graphics card just shuts off when plugging in the 6 pin.
Corsair hx1000i. I7-5900. gigabyte x99ud4. samsung evo 500 gbs.16 ram xpcmake and model of the psu?
new upgrade? what the rest of the system spec?
Remeber i used to oc it when it first crashed on me mid game.The gtx 1080 has a 8-pin and 6-pin. I assume you plug both of those in? Is the 1080 at stock settings?
Sounds like a GPU that should have been returned cuz it is faulty. If the GPU comes with a 8 and 6 pin on GPU then you should use that. If that causes a problem then something is wrong with the GPU. The PSU you have is very good and more than enough power.
Are you connecting one cable from PSU to GPU as 8 pin. And a second cable from PSU to GPU for 6pin ?