GPU makes weird noise when image changes?


Dec 26, 2012
I recently noticed a weird sound my PC makes when things on screen move. It can be as large as scrolling down a webpage or as subtle as moving a mouse cursor. Videos and games also cause this. The larger the change in image the louder the noise is. As I type this it makes some periodical noises.

I recorded a video where I scroll down YouTube, and you can hear the noise go off many of the times when I scroll. You may have to turn up the volume to hear it over my PC's fans, though.

What's up with that? Is it serious? What could be causing it? I can't tell if it's the GPU or not, but that'd be my first guess. My GPU is an EVGA GeForce GTX 980 Classified.

It's not a problem that'll affect longevity or game play. Coil whine is when the inductors on the card are resonating at an annoying frequency. If you type the term into YouTube, you'll hear other examples. But personally I would try to RMA the card.
It's not a problem that'll affect longevity or game play. Coil whine is when the inductors on the card are resonating at an annoying frequency. If you type the term into YouTube, you'll hear other examples. But personally I would try to RMA the card.
I would check what Power supply you have, Coil whine is quite common, if you would like to know more about what coil whine is.. I'll leave a quick link to a video explaining.. Anyway i have experience Coil whine and there are ways to fix it if you understand electronics etc, but i'll assume you are just trying to find the easiest solution, i agree with Rcald, you should send in a support ticket, Coil whine is very common and you shouldn't worry too much about it but if its becoming more aggressive over time i would defiantly get it checked out, i'd assume you're power supply could be creating the "Coil whine" as it may not have the required AMPS on the 12V rail, if you are able to, remove the side panel and try to listen and find out where it's coming from.

An ATNG APED-950FC. It's 800W, and I just opened up my computer to listen to the sound closely, and I can tell it's not the power supply. It's the GPU.

@rcald: I'll open a ticket with EVGA and see what they say. The card is less than four months old, though.