GPU market crysis

I3lood Eagle

Oct 1, 2013
Why is the GPU market in such bad shape I know the whole bit/litecoin thing is going on, but damn if the entire market isn't out of whack... examples AMD cards $100-150 more than their GTX counterparts with basically the same performance? the 280x is over $400, and even then the 7970 is like $450-500? WTH is going on?
These bitcoins and litecoins are worth money. Lots of. Each time you check a hash, there's a possibility that you run into a valid hash that's worth a couple of hundred bucks. GPUs are very fast at calculating these hashes.

Those hashes are a way of validating transactions, without having any single central authority (that could be corrupt).
First, it's 'crisis'. Crysis is a game.

It's because litecoin can't be done with FPGAs/ASICs, so GPUs are the most effective way to generate them. Which pushes the price through the roof. Give it a few weeks and it should settle down.

nVidia GPUs are relatively useless for mining, so AMD ones are practically sold out. Give AMD some time to get hold of more manufacturing capacity and for demand to die down, and they'll be back down to where they were.
lol I've been playing too much Crysis😛 good call by the way, I just don't understand... I mean I do understand what you're saying, but I don't understand the whole mining situation in general care to shed some light?
These bitcoins and litecoins are worth money. Lots of. Each time you check a hash, there's a possibility that you run into a valid hash that's worth a couple of hundred bucks. GPUs are very fast at calculating these hashes.

Those hashes are a way of validating transactions, without having any single central authority (that could be corrupt).
Well, the chances are infinitesimal. However, hash capacity is in the hundreds of thousands per second on fast GPUs.

Even with a lot of mining equipment, your chances are still slim. People usually pool their resources, which basically amounts to sharing any reward found by any member of the group with the rest of the group.

There are a bunch of calculators out there, but the main issue is that the currency is so volatile that what's a tremendous profit today might not even be worth turning the computer on for next week.