me and my brother both have the r9 290x. since a few months my pc is crashing in games and i tried everything, (coolpasta on botch gpu and cpu replacement, new airflow, different drivers) I really dont know what the problem is anymore, but since a short time i saw my gpu memory is always at maxed (1250mhz). even at idle, my brothers gpu memory is switching dependent on applications he is running, (at startup 150mhz). if i change the memory clock with msi afterburner it stuck with that number i choose but goes to max if i open a new program. it looks like there is a lock on my gpu memory clock. my pc crashes if i play games on high setting, (rocket league, overwatch, gta 5, minecraft, battlefield 4, rainbow six siege) i also need to turn on vsync and put everything on lowest settings to prevent crashing, it is really annoying because i can run al games on high if the crashed werent there.
my specs
windows 10
Asus r9 290x reference
i7 6700k
16gb ddr4 2133mhz
850 watt power supply
if you have anymore questions im glad to awnser them
i am really sorry for my bad english in grammer and my story. im just a student and learning it.
if you have any more question
my specs
windows 10
Asus r9 290x reference
i7 6700k
16gb ddr4 2133mhz
850 watt power supply
if you have anymore questions im glad to awnser them

i am really sorry for my bad english in grammer and my story. im just a student and learning it.
if you have any more question