GPU not reaching 100% load.


Apr 8, 2017

yesterday I installed a GTX 760 just to find that it doesn´t run at 100%load. I just use Rivatuner while playing and it only reaches like 20% while playing CSGO. my CPU is a i5 - 3570 at 3.4 GHZ, and I have 12 GB of DDR3 RAM. My PSU is a Corsair VS 650w, maybe not the best, but more than enough for this build. The only time the GPU reaches 100% is while running Furmark. I know that my CPU isnt bottlenecking because it ruans at 35% load while gaming, so thats not the problem. Also, I don´t have VSYNC turned on. Any idea?
Judging by your CPU, you are getting some CPU bottle necking even though it doesn't say it. Make sure it's using the multithreaded option on.