LT_Paul :
But it ''waiting'' just in Scrap mechanic, In The Forest, Mafia 2, GTA IV everything seems to be ok. Maybe its because of the game? or maybe I need more RAM? (now I have 4gigs)
Yep could definitely need more memory. Each game is coded differently - they don't all use resources the same way.
Story Time: I play ESO, WoW, Witcher 3, Skyrim, and Diablo 3. For 6 years I ran a 1st gen Core i7 970 with 6 cores, overclocked to 4GHz and 12GB RAM. Over the years I only upgraded the GPU, SSDs, and monitor, ultimately ending with a GTX 1080 on a 1440p screen on the original platform. Most games ran awesome in Ultra mode except for ESO, and sometimes WoW would even take a performance hit in certain scenarios. After a lot of research and testing, the problem was that MMOs generally use one core for most game-related tasks, and offload smaller items to other cores. I would frequently hit 12FPS in ESO and as low as 25FPS in WoW when there were a lot of other players around. After a lot of research and testing, the issue was that my processor, even though it was overclocked and had 12 threads, had terrible single-core performance compared to modern CPUs. When framerates were low, my GPU utilization was also very low. I decided to upgrade to a 6850k (6 cores, 12 threads, much better single-core performance) and at the same clock speed of 4GHz, my minimum framerate improved by well over 100%.
Like you said, it's not a gaming laptop and 4GB RAM may be hurting you. It's possible that the game is bugged and future game patches or driver releases may help performance. There may be other factors as well such as CPU cache performance which may not necessarily show up as CPU load, and with your particular CPU being similar to a lower-power Core i3, that's entirely possible. It could be that the game is being paged to disk because of the lack of memory and it's trying to pull game data from the page file. Since RAM is dirt-cheap, I would start with a memory upgrade and see what that does for you. I assume you're running a 64-bit OS? Also check your Power Options and set it to High Performance. Perhaps that will kick the CPU performance up a bit. If you don't have a laptop cooling pad, that might also help keep performance up by lowering the chances of a core speed slowdown due to heat.