Gpu not working


Jun 3, 2017
I've been having problems with my Gpu not working with my motherboard

When I got my second Gpu, plugged it in the motherboard with my other gpu, of course. And it was working great, then I was told to make my new Rx 580 to the primary slot it's where my rx 480 is placed. And so I switched them.

Now both are not working, it is lighting up (my GPUs) but the fans are not spinning and there is no video output.

Here's what I've tried:
- Resetting bios
-switching memory around.
- switching GPUs


Yeah thanks, but I've found my problem, it is the motherboard. there was a missing/broken piece so I think it my motherboard that's broken. I have an Asus z170-a, and just above the highest gpu slot ,abovr the tab you press to release the gpu, the was supposed to be something there but it's not, I was looking at pictures in Google that was...

So I think now it's my motherboard? I removed my gpu and its still not showing anything,

I removed the cpu too and put it back,
check for dirt or bent pins in the pci slot. take the mb out of the case and see if it post with onboard video. if you can get you mb to post again make sure it has the newest bios file on it. check on the mb for any burnt spots. did you turn the pc off and unplug it from the wall. most new mb hold some voltages now. to safly to replace a gpu you need to drain wall power before you swap gpus.

Yeah thanks, but I've found my problem, it is the motherboard. there was a missing/broken piece so I think it my motherboard that's broken. I have an Asus z170-a, and just above the highest gpu slot ,abovr the tab you press to release the gpu, the was supposed to be something there but it's not, I was looking at pictures in Google that was the same kind of mobo as mine and the things there are missing.