GPU Or CPU Problem?


Sep 8, 2014
Ok i'm really baffled now. I have been asking so many questions on this forum but usually only 1 person answers and it isn't the solution.

My problem with my PC is that whenever I play CS GO, it hangs. I've read the game hangs alot but the main issue is, after it hangs and I force close the app with ctl alt del, I cant shut down
the pc or run any programs. Google chrome wont load any pages either. Even ejecting my external drive via the task bar is impossible. Nothing runs but windows is still on and I can still move my mouse around. When I shut down my pc, it will just display the logging off blue screen and stay there indefinitely while the circle is still spinning. Resource monitor also shows 0 disk activity and 0 network activity even when my direct lan connection is still on.

I have tried almost everything.
Used a different windows version
Performed clean installation of windows at least 8 times
Replaced the PSU
Replaced the SSD.
Removed all hardware and reinstalled them back again.
Disabled certain windows services that I thought caused the problem
Ran Memtest 86. No errors found.

I have lots of friends playing the game too but none of them encounter the same problem I do. Yes, they do get freezes while playing the game but none of them experiences what happens after they force close the app. I am 100% sure its my machine and its one of my hardware but can't pinpoint which one it is.

I have ruled out my RAM as memtest revealed no errors
I have ruled out SSD as I've already replaced it with a hdd on clean windows installation.
I have ruled out windows cause I reformatted more then 8 times and even used windows 8 instead of windows 7 but problem still persists.
I have ruled out any of my headphones or keyboard or mouse as I've tried swapping them out.
I have ruled out my CPU as it doesnt overheat and CPUID shows nothing unusual.

The only 2 things that I haven't replaced is my Asus H97 Pro gamer motherboard( 1 month old) and MSI GTX 760 gaming 2GB GPU( 6 months old).

From my symptoms stated above, what is the probable cause of my PC state after the game hangs? GPU or CPU?

In case anyone asks, here is my machine specs

i7 4790
Asus H97 pro gamer
G-Skill ripjaws X CL 9, 2x4GB
MSI GTX 970 Gaming 2g
Corsair RM750 PSU
Asus DVD writer
Samsung 850 evo 256gb
Seagate Barracuda 7200 rpm 2TB

Almost everything is brand new. Pls help. I'm getting desperate now.
In that case I truly do not know what you advise.
Sorry I try help but, without off taking a part entire PC and checking separately every part on other rig, I cannot give you answer.

windows 7 home premium 64 bit. Upgraded to windows 8, 64 bit just to make sure it wasn't a windows problem.

heaven extreme 11 ran with no problems: constant 65 to 75 fps throughout.
Score 1808.415
I think its the games fault. Its just reacting a bit different to whats happening than what your friends computers are.

Let me explain why. Back in November, a game I play released a new expansion. I started playing the game late in the afternoon. A couple of hours later, I suddenly had a blue screen, something I had never seen on this machine before, and the machine is now a year old. Over the next 6 weeks, I experienced random blue screens, random crashes, and I was becoming convinced that there was something wrong with my computer. During that time, the game developers released several patches that claimed to be resolving various unspecified crashing problems. My computer continued to crash. The people I play the game with were not experiencing the blue screens, and only a couple were having crashes.

Finally in late February, the game developers released another patch that said it was a minor patch to resolve a problem with searching for players. I havent had a crash or blue screen since. So the problem was not my hardware. It was the game.

And you might well be experiencing the same thing I did. Only with different results from the crashes.

Finally, you are not getting many responses, because we are not the game developers. We cannot fix problems like this if it is not the hardware that is at fault. We cannot rule hardware out completely, but the fact that you and your friends are experiencing crashes, and crashes that only occur when you are playing this one game, tells me that its most likely the game. And only the game.

running the primetest now. seems to be fine besides the cpu getting to 79 degrees. I'm air cooling btw. Zalman 9900max LED.

i get what u mean. The game does crash alot but is hapening much more to my machine then my friend's. I have a friend who is even playing it on his macbook air with no gpu. I hang 5 times more then they do and my pc specs are much better then theirs. They are freezing at certain parts of the game while I am freezing almost antime, when I close the game, when I load a map, when I exit a game lobby.

I just cant accept that its only the game. how can a a game cause windows not ebing able to eject my usb drive? how does it make my pc cant shutdown even when its not running.

15 mins into the test now. Temps going back down to 69. No signs of my machine exploding. LOL. Can still type into this forum while running the test. Last thing to do will be to update bios again. If its not fixed I'm guessing its my motherboard. U think so too?

I didnt check the temps. I just saw steady 60 fps throughout. Will run the test again after prime 95 and check temps as well.

yup it doesnt happen when its not loaded. But everyone loads the same files I do during the game. Everyone install the same way as I do which is through steam. But after the game crashes is what is bugging me. I do accept the fact that the game is causing the crashes but I really don't think my game is causing the windows to be unresponsive after it is closed.

Thank u for ur solution though. After all is tested and mobo replaced and I still have this problem, I will then say its the game and quit it totally.
Yes, everyone loads the same files you do, but with all of the options that we have for our computers now, and all of the various firmwares, operating system versions, various patches, different things running in memory, I would bet that your machine is in a unique state, different than almost anyone else you know, when those crashes happen. And so your computer reacts differently as well.

Anyways, good luck on tracking this down.

ran prime95 for almost 2 hrs. no errors no problems. temps were also ok. nv got above 85.