GPU or PSU Squealing at high FPS.


Oct 30, 2016
When ever i hit very high frames in games, for example Minecraft - 2000 FPS, my GPU or PSU starts squealing, it sounds like coil whine. Should i be worried?

BTW my PSU is the EVGA SuperNOVA G2 550W and my GPU is the MSI GeForce GTX 1060 ARMOR OC 3GB
You can use RivaTuner, which is packaged with MSI Afterburner to set a hard FPS cap that is above your operating range but not insane (200FPS).

There are other ways to do this too. Basically, preventing that FPS runaway will stop the whine.

I get 2000FPS on all the highest settings without shaders, but 2000fps in caves, when im outside i get 700-1100. My CPU is the i7 7700K, I would recommend the i5's for gaming

You can use RivaTuner, which is packaged with MSI Afterburner to set a hard FPS cap that is above your operating range but not insane (200FPS).

There are other ways to do this too. Basically, preventing that FPS runaway will stop the whine.

I've actually got a xeon for CAD. I get like 45 (outsdie highest settings)... Oh well, I need more clocks but can't oc a xeon

Thank you so much


I would highly recommend saving some money up to buy a PC. (500$) lets say, a G4560 and a 1050 TI would be great.


No problem dude
I hava a PC thats beyond a pentium, Xeons are sevrer grade processors. Mines clocked slow so I can have more cores (the opposite of what minecraft wants, but just fine for what I actually made the PC for, Being CAD/CAM). I was just curious