GPU Overclock Degrading Over Time On R9 Fury


Jan 10, 2014
When I purchased my Sapphire Tri-x R9 Fury, I put it under a waterblock to cool a decent overclock. Pushing it as far sa I could under maximum voltage and power limit (+97mv and 150% power limit), that got me 1140mhz on the core and 550 on the memory. Was perfectly stable for a few months, then the drivers started crashing, started getting red screens etc, so I knocked it down to 1130mhz, once again that was stable for a few months, then it started doing the same thing. Is now on 1100mhz.

Have never had anything like this happen before from overclocking. Is this something specifically with the Fury line of chips, or is this a common occurrence across NVIDIA/AMD and throughout generations?
My guess is the OC wasn't quite as stable as you originally thought. You are seeing the effects of instability at this point.

I would start over from square one and try to work my way up and find the real max stable overclock for it.
My guess is the OC wasn't quite as stable as you originally thought. You are seeing the effects of instability at this point.

I would start over from square one and try to work my way up and find the real max stable overclock for it.