Question GPU power in laptops


Sep 4, 2017
As you all know, different laptops brands and models come with the same GPUs that run at different W.

For example, one laptop can come with a 4060 at 95W and another one with a 4060 as well, but this time running at 110W.

Is that gap something that I can tweak after the purchase with overclocking or some other method, or is it something on the hardware level of the GPU that I'm stuck with? Thanks
No, it cannot be changed without a VBIOS change. There is precedent for manufacturers doing this (Acer) but it's not something the average consumer can or should do. The power limits are generally set with the laptops cooling solution in mind, so even if you could do this you'd simply go from power limited to thermally limited along with the reduced reliability increased temperatures bring.

*In the case of the Acer situation virtually all the affected models came equipped with the same chassis and cooling solution, which was overspecced for the affected GPUs (cheaper to make just one chassis type). This was, as far as I know a one off thing and very surprising when it happened.