I've just overclocked my RX 480 to 1380/2050 nitro+ 8gb...it's stable but should i also increase power limit to10% or so..? I ran benchmarks and everything was good
the temperature sounds good but you are pushing that gpu alot, try different settings on ram and cpu core speed, keep monitoring it in search for artifacts in image and temperature changes
the limits on a gpu are determined by temperatures and the psu
also in the quality of the card itself, some gpus when put under heavy load will suddenly just die from excessive heat or excessive voltage on certain parts on the card
try to modify that value but in small increments, 2% per attempt, keep monitoring temperatures on the gpu to see how behaves, also check gpu core speed, if it suddenly lowers itself, you have there a bad setting
I have 500watts 80+ bronze certified ..i set the power limit to 3% and the temperature was <80C with my fan curve and fan speed around 60-65% in 10 minutes of heaven benchmark .Core clock and memory clock didn't fluctuated ( memory clock went once down to 300 from 2050 at the beginning but after was stable).So my settings are now fine?
the temperature sounds good but you are pushing that gpu alot, try different settings on ram and cpu core speed, keep monitoring it in search for artifacts in image and temperature changes