GPU (probably silly) question


Jan 14, 2017
Building a new PC for the first time in a long time and I don't recall coming across this before. My GPU has a spot for an 8-pin connector, my PSU's cable has two daisy chained 6+2 connectors with an 8-pin on the end. Is this for an SLI scenario, or does the GTX 1080 require the 8-pin in the GPU and the two 6+2 pins in the PSU to give it enough juice? I'm a little rusty and appreicate any feedback! Thanks, all.
It sounds like you have a modular PSU. There should be one connection to the PSU (the solid 8-pin side). The two connectors at the other end serve to supply a range of GPU: some need only six, some eight, some multiple connectors (6+8 or even 8+8).

Plug the solid end in the PSU and however many pins are required by that GPU

Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear enough: the question is does the PSU need both 6+2 pin connectors in it?
It sounds like you have a modular PSU. There should be one connection to the PSU (the solid 8-pin side). The two connectors at the other end serve to supply a range of GPU: some need only six, some eight, some multiple connectors (6+8 or even 8+8).

Plug the solid end in the PSU and however many pins are required by that GPU
