GPU-related noise in speakers


May 30, 2015
My speakers are connected to my pc using an rca->3.5mm cable. Whenever I use the speakers with my pc there is a huge amount of noise. The noise is definitely somehow related to my GPU because the noise gets worse when I run gpu-intensive games. The noise also changes as I move my mouse or move windows around.

Here's what it sounds like:

- If I plug a speaker into this one specific outlet on my extension cord it makes no noise as long as the other speaker isn't plugged in. As soon as you plug the second speaker in the noise reappears in both speakers.
- The issue isn't there if I connect my speakers to my phone or my laptop.
- Tried plugging components into different outlets. (e.g plug psu into wall socket rather than extension)
- When I connect my headphones to the PC directly, there is no noise, however, if I connect my headphones through my mixer, the noise reappears,
- Tried both front and back 3.5mm sockets, noise is worse in the front sockets but is still present in the back sockets.

- Windows 8.1 (all drivers updated)
- GTX 980
- Corsair CX 600 psu
- Onboard audio
- KRK Rokit 5 speakers

I've spent so much time trying to fix this but nothing seems to work, it'd be great if someone could help 🙁
Is your PC plugged into an extension cord? if so, plug it directly into the wall.

If I am correct, I believe that's electromagnetic interference, I've had a noise simillar to this previously, and this fixed the issue.

Tried this, no luck. I've tried pretty much every possible outlet combination and depending on where I plug components in the noise gets a little more quiet but never completely disappears.

Ah, I don't know what to tell you then! :L