So around Christmas time, I had been discussing GPU upgrades but some unexpected expenses came up and I never ended up buying it. Now AMD prices are even higher and I am actually able to upgrade in the next little bit. I currently have a GTX 660/3570k @ 4.4/ H320.
So, with prices like they are should I:
A.) Get another 660
Watercool or Air cool?
B.) Sell the 660
Get a [strike]680[/strike] 770
Water or Air?
C.) Sell the 660
Get a [strike]7970[/strike] R9 280x from Visiontek
Water or Air?
Or something completely different? Gaming @ 1080 for the foreseeable future. I also fold on the LTT team...
So, with prices like they are should I:
A.) Get another 660
Watercool or Air cool?
B.) Sell the 660
Get a [strike]680[/strike] 770
Water or Air?
C.) Sell the 660
Get a [strike]7970[/strike] R9 280x from Visiontek
Water or Air?
Or something completely different? Gaming @ 1080 for the foreseeable future. I also fold on the LTT team...