GPU Suggestion help w/ my current specs


Oct 29, 2011
My current specs are

1000W PSU
R7 370

I upgraded my monitor to a freesync 144hz monitor and i'm thinking of upgrading my graphics card

Would a 480 be enough for 144hz gaming for games such as Dota 2, Overwatch? at max settings? would it bottleneck if i go for the 480 or 490?
An i7 2600k is still a beastly processor, it can handle a GTX 1070/GTX 1080 fine. An RX 480 is the latest most powerful card they have to offer right now, but i wouldnt say its enough for 144Hz. Sure, if you want 100+Fps you will have to dial down the graphics config. But if you want that good fps on max settings, wait for a RX 490 or go RX 480 CrossFire. You may also want to get another 8gb ram for your PC.
An i7 2600k is still a beastly processor, it can handle a GTX 1070/GTX 1080 fine. An RX 480 is the latest most powerful card they have to offer right now, but i wouldnt say its enough for 144Hz. Sure, if you want 100+Fps you will have to dial down the graphics config. But if you want that good fps on max settings, wait for a RX 490 or go RX 480 CrossFire. You may also want to get another 8gb ram for your PC.